Foreign Affairs and Health Governance: The Rise of Health Diplomacy

In the waggle dance of international relations, where power dynamics, geopolitical interests, and diplomatic finesse often take center stage, there’s a growing recognition of the pivotal role played by health governance. This is not confined to public health but extends far beyond, permeating foreign policy, diplomacy, and global security.
Geneva Public Health Week 2024

Theme: Enhancing and Democratizing Governance in Global Health Date and Time: 9th April 2024 |15:00-17:00 (CET) Event Description: This event aims to explore the intersection of foreign affairs and health governance, focusing on the growing importance of health diplomacy. It will delve into the intricate dynamics between foreign affairs and health governance and the emergent significance of health diplomacy as a catalyst for health resolutions and policy implementation. Rather than merely seeking to enhance existing frameworks, it aims to critically evaluate current affairs and explore avenues for improvement and innovation. Event Type: Article Event Format: Online Language(s): English Organiser(s): Health Diplomacy Alliance How to Attend Virtually: Online Registration: N/A