CSO Participation INB

HDA Calls for Inclusion of CSO in INB Pandemic Agreement Negotiations The Health Diplomacy Alliance emphasizes the critical importance of civil society organizations (CSOs) in the ongoing Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) process for the pandemic agreement. As we approach the final and most crucial stage of these negotiations, HDA advocates for a comprehensive and inclusive approach that incorporates the invaluable insights and expertise of CSOs. Health diplomacy plays a pivotal role in shaping a robust and impactful pandemic agreement. It is through the collective effort of diverse stakeholders, including governments, CSOs, and academia, that we can address the multifaceted challenges posed by pandemics. The involvement of CSOs is essential to ensure that the agreement is grounded in equity, human rights, and the lived experiences of healthcare workers and communities. HDA firmly believes that the negotiation process should remain transparent, inclusive, and participatory. By fostering an environment where all relevant stakeholders can contribute meaningfully, the development of an agreement not only addresses immediate public health needs but also strengthens global resilience against future pandemics and health emergencies. Support for PAN\’s Open Call In alignment with our commitment to inclusive health diplomacy, HDA supports the open call by the Pandemic Action Network and is a signatory of their request. We stand with over 140 civil society organizations and supporters from 40 countries in urging Member States and the INB to ensure the official involvement of CSOs in all remaining negotiations. Join us and Sign on