Operationalizing One Health & Planetary Health

Campus Biotech – May 28, 2024

Climate change, natural disasters, and other disruptions associated with global environmental change either cause many current humanitarian crises worldwide or exacerbate their severity and scale.

The COVID-19 pandemic and the global environmental crisis have engendered unprecedented political momentum and scientific interest in the concepts of One Health and Planetary Health. These concepts, rooted in the interdependence of human, animal, and environmental health, advocate for integrated and preventive health approaches, gradually permeating the humanitarian sector and presenting new opportunities and challenges for application.

Thanks to funding from the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), the inaugural workshop on this topic convened in Geneva in November 2023. Bringing together 38 experts and practitioners from 21 organizations, this workshop laid the groundwork for ongoing discussions and emerging collaborations between academia and humanitarian actors.

The proposed second workshop will serve as a platform to present and discuss results, recommendations, and actions for operationalizing One Health and Planetary Health in humanitarian settings. It will also assess interest among a broader cross-sectoral audience and identify opportunities for funding and project development in the field.

May 28, 2024

Campus Biotech

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