The Human Variome Project: Global Coordination in Data Sharing

This article outlines a global effort initiated in 2006 to standardize and share genetic data for clinical and research purposes, supported by international bodies such as UNESCO. It details the establishment of national hubs to ethically collect, curate, and disseminate genomic information, addressing infrastructure gaps and fostering regional collaboration through diplomacy. The initiative aims to […]

Humanitarian Action in the Planetary Crisis

    This Policy Brief examines how the OneHealth approach can transform humanitarian action amid rising natural disasters, conflicts, and displacement in low-resource settings.  Developed collaboratively by leading academics and humanitarian experts, it offers four key recommendations and 28 actionable steps to enhance crisis response, disease prevention, and environmental sustainability.  Read here

Science as Diplomacy: The Strategic Power of One Health in Global Policy

The One Health approach, which recognizes the interdependence of human, animal, and environmental health, is not only a matter of scientific collaboration but also a prime example of Science Diplomacy in action. Science Diplomacy goes beyond cooperation to engage science as a strategic diplomatic tool, capable of influencing global policies, easing geopolitical tensions, and fostering […]

Knowledge and perceptions of graduating BS pharmacy students in Metro Manila to counsel on the use of medical devices for diabetes management: A cross-sectional study

            This paper evaluated these students’ readiness to guide diabetes management devices. The results indicated that, despite students’ confidence in their counseling skills, their actual knowledge about these devices was insufficient. Notably, an increase in course hours correlated with enhanced perceived counseling abilities, suggesting a need to reassess the BS […]

India’s Vaccine Diplomacy to Southeast Asia in the Context of “Act East Policy”

This chapter of the book, India and Southeast Asia in a Changing World,  examines how India’s Act East Policy (AEP), initially implemented from 2014–2019 to strengthen ties with Southeast Asia, adapted in response to the COVID-19 pandemic through the emergence of vaccine diplomacy. With Southeast Asian nations identified as key partners, the chapter explores how […]

Transforming Global Health Partnerships

Transforming Global Health Partnerships: Critical Reflections and Visions of Equity at the Research-Practice Interface, edited by Anna Stewart Ibarra and A. Desiree LaBeaud. It is part of the Sustainable Development Goals Series.  With contributions from over 90 authors across 26 countries, it examines the global health landscape through themes such as decolonization, ethics, gender, systems […]

Skin Diseases as a Global Health Priority

Skin diseases represent a critical, often underestimated global health challenge, impacting over 25% of the population and causing approximately 120,000 deaths each year. Beyond physical symptoms, they significantly impair quality of life, productivity, and social inclusion, leading to serious mental health challenges. Disparities in healthcare access, especially in low-resource settings, further intensify these impacts, while […]

Go Blue Video Campaign – World AMR Awareness Week (WAAW) As part of the World Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Awareness Week 2024 – 18-24 November, we would like to invite you to contribute to our video series campaign. Your participation will be invaluable in raising awareness under this year’s theme: “Educate. Advocate. Act Now.” This campaign unites key stakeholders—high-level officials, including policymakers, healthcare practitioners, academics, civil society, […]

Health diplomacy in war and international conflict

In an era where international conflicts and wars are increasingly prevalent, Health Diplomacy has become critical to effectively address prevalent health challenges and the deterioration of health systems. This webinar will examine the distinct health needs of different conflict zones, the limitations and priorities of health diplomacy, and the relationship between health and humanitarian diplomacy. […]

AMR – Policy Brief

Download HDA Policy Brief AMR AMR – Sustaining Political Commitment to Safeguard Public Health: A Policy Roadmap This publication offers key recommendations for tackling antimicrobial resistance (AMR), including enhancing political commitment, implementing global targets, and ensuring equity in AMR efforts based on the United Nations N General Assembly High-Level Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance 2024 Political Declaration.  Discover our […]