As part of the World Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) Awareness Week 2024 – 18-24 November, we would like to invite you to contribute to our video series campaign.

Your participation will be invaluable in raising awareness under this year’s theme: “Educate. Advocate. Act Now.”

This campaign unites key stakeholders—high-level officials, including policymakers, healthcare practitioners, academics, civil society, AMR survivors, the private sector, and others—from various sectors and regions. It will emphasize the urgent actions outlined in the High-Level Political Declaration on AMR.

We kindly request your contribution by sharing a short video (maximum 3 minutes) in your native or working language – GO BLUE ! with something blue (clothes, background, etc). A quote, reflection, or key message on AMR and its significance in your field or region for any of the following: 

  1. A personal call to educate and inspire others to join the global AMR fight, particularly in areas most relevant to your work
  2. The importance of advocacy and multisector cooperation.
  3. A clear call to action emphasizing the “Act Now” theme. If possible, refer to at least one important target or commitment of the 2024 Political Declaration and how to keep the Momentum.

Please share your video  to or upload it to this folder